Heart Wide Open

A 6-week Personal Intensive with Ceremonial Cacao


A transformational journey with the plant medicine of cacao

Through this course, you will:

  1. Learn the practical how to’s of cacao ceremony

  2. Develop and strengthen your personal relationship with cacao as a plant medicine

  3. Cultivate self-awareness & personal transformation

  4. Connect more fully with your gifts & purpose

  5. Grow your confidence in sharing your gifts with others

A Cacao Ceremony... embue.png

Why Ceremonial Cacao?

A cacao ceremony involves drinking a rich, delicious cacao beverage and using the energy from it as a support for our healing work.

Cacao contains:

  • Mood enhancing compounds such as PEA, anandamide & serotonin

  • Theobromine, a psychoactive compound that increases blood flow

  • Magnesium, a muscle relaxant

  • High levels of anti-oxidants

In developing a relationship with a plant as a tool or medicine for healing, we connect more deeply with the natural world and the energies available to us.

Moses is the co-founder of EMBUE Cacao and has been using cacao as a tool for gentle, heart-centered healing for over a decade. It’s a wonderful plant to assist in inner work.


What’s Included:

  • 6- Week structured course via our online classroom

  • Weekly reading, assignments & personal cacao ceremonies

  • 6 x 1:1 Inner Work Sessions (one/week)

  • 1lb of Ceremonial Cacao

The Course Outline

  • Week 1: Cacao Basics + Intro Cacao Ceremony + 1:1 Session

  • Week 2: Cacao As Medicine + Cacao Ceremony + 1:1 Session

  • Week 3: Personal Work + Cacao Ceremony + 1:1 Session

  • Week 4: Gifts & Purpose + Cacao Ceremony + 1:1 Session

  • Week 5: Sharing Our Gifts + Cacao Ceremony + 1:1 Session

  • Week 6: Integration + Cacao Ceremony + 1:1 Session



This is a virtual course that can fit into most schedules. You will need a minimum of 6 hours/week for the course. All course components, except the 1:1 sessions, will be done by yourself.

Course Tuition: $650